What We Offer

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Advanced Apostolic Training

H2O offers five-fold ministry gifts and other leaders advanced training in personal development, vision manifestation, leading leaders, prophetic ministry, healing and spiritual gifts, ministry finance, global missions, strategic planning and development, real estate development, media and content creation, cross-functional team development, community involvement, grants & nonprofit financing, evangelism and more.
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Spiritual Impartation

The leaders and teachers within H2O have extensive experience and time in apostolic and prophetic ministry. Our leaders, such as Apostle Finley (over 45 years of walking in prophetic ministry) have spent extensive amounts of time in the presence of God drawing out spiritual wisdom and supernatural power to impart into you. We are a training ground to prepare spirit-led ministry gifts, business and government leaders for the coming seasons. 
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True & Accurate Prophetic Ministry

Not only do our leaders flow in prophetic ministry, but we teach operating in prophetic team ministry. Here you will find the most biblically accurate model of spiritual five-fold team ministry available. Our teams travel and bring accurate, empowering prophetic five-fold team ministry to the various ministries we visit. And the experience at our leadership retreat and H2O functions is downright life changing.
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Administration & Financial Training

Spiritually powerful ministries without good administration or proper financial coaching will not grow, or will get themselves and their leaders into genuine trouble. We teach structure for wise administration. We teach scaling, so that you know what needs to be implemented and secured as your ministry grows. And we connect leaders with opportunities and sources of financial support beyond the tithes and offerings of your members.
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Global Missions and Perspectives

We have connected ministries in other countries, and regularly send ministerial teams abroad to do ministry work. We teach all aspects of global ministry, from spiritual warfare, to global economics, to traveling safely and remaining healthy, to connecting with local leaders and establishing events in other nations. If you are called to the nations, make sure you connect with an experienced support system.
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The Marketplace & Modern Evangelism

The Gospel message has not changed since Christ rose. However, just as God told Moses to strike the rock one week, and to speak to the rock another, the strategies the Lord uses to reach the lost and accomplish His goals change with time. We teach a Spirit-led approach to evangelism and taking the Word to the lost. We incorporate technology, social media, invention and business, and all other opportunities the Lord provides in advancing the Kingdom of God and trying to fulfill the Great Commission. If you feel called to take the Gospel into the entertainment industry, business, science and more, connect. See how we can help.

Be completely humble and gentile; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2